我的 壳程序 框架
; #########################################################################
.model flat , stdcall
option casemap :none ; case sensitive
; #########################################################################
; @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
; proto directive can specifier a function type
; but must implement this function use divrective ‘proc’
; and ‘proc’ directive will insert some instructions in your code
; and these instructions are not seen in list file !!
; these code is like below ,
; lines start with ;;;; is assembler auto inserted instructions
; fun proc x:dword
;;;; push ebp
;;;; mov ebp , esp
; ……
; your function body …
; ….
;;;; pop ebp
; fun endp
; in api call , this is not alowed , must a direct no condition jump
; to transfer control to api function , code should like below:
; fun:
; jmp DWORD PTR [xxxx] ; [xxxx] store the address of the api function
; because these codes will be used in any different address
; can not use absolute address to addressing data
; in my code , I use IRA (instruction relative address) to every
; gloable variant and API function’s address
; this behavior is defined as a macro ‘ldira’ (LoaD IRA)
; you can see the macro below , thus , in my api fun ,
; this call like this:
; fun:
; ldira eax , xxxx
; jmp DWORD PTR [eax]
; after expand macro ldira , the code is :
; fun:
; call LL
; LL:
; pop eax
; add eax , xxxx – LL
; jmp DWORD PTR [eax]
; @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
include /masm32/include/windows.inc
include /masm32/include/user32.inc
include /masm32/include/kernel32.inc
include /masm32/include/gdi32.inc
; a void directive
myaddr equ
; ——————————————————————
; macro for put IRA of _ira to _dst
; ——————————————————————
ldira macro _dst , _ira
local LL
call LL
pop _dst
add _dst , myaddr _ira – myaddr LL
; ——————————————————————
; macro for making STDCALL procedure and API calls.
; ——————————————————————
Scall MACRO fun_name:REQ,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,p10,p11,p12, /
;; —————————————
;; loop through arguments backwards, push
;; NON blank ones and call the function.
;; —————————————
FOR arg,<p22,p21,p20,p19,p18,p17,p16,p15,p14,p13,/
IFNB <arg> ;; If not blank
push arg ;; push parameter
call fun_name ;; call the procedure
Section_Start equ 0 ;1000h ;( 1000h – myaddr start )
MyShieldHeader struc
ShieldEntry DD myaddr start – myaddr _TEXT
ShieldImportAddress DD myaddr Start_Import_Table – start + Section_Start
ShieldImportSize DD myaddr End_Import_Table – myaddr Start_Import_Table
ClientEntry DD myaddr NoClientProgram@@
ClientImportAddress DD ?
ClientImportSize DD ?
ClientCodeBase DD ? ; need not store , but I reserve it
ClientDataBase DD ?
Authentication DB 32 dup(?) ; 256 bit Authentication Number
MyShieldHeader ends
_TEXT segment public ‘code’
org 0
jmp EntryPoint
org start + 10h
WangBaTitle label byte
db “Íõ°Ëµ°£¡£¡ÏëÆƽ⣿£¿”
db 0
WangBaMsg label byte
db “Íõ°Ëµ°£¡£¡ÏëÆƽ⣿£¿” , 0DH , 0AH
db “ÔÙÐÞÁ¶¼¸Äê°É£¡£¡” , 0DH , 0AH
db 08h,”ºÇºÇ£¡£¡” , 0DH , 0AH
db 08h,”ÒѾ´ÓÊýѧÉÏÖ¤Ã÷ÁËÕâ¸öÈí¼þ” , 0DH , 0AH
db 08h,”ÔÚÓîÖæÃðÍö֮ǰÊDz»¿ÉÆƽâµÄ£¡£¡” , 0DH , 0AH
db 0
org start + 100h
shieldHeader MyShieldHeader < > ; here stores MyshieldHeader
org start + 200h
; ####################################################################################
;;;; start of user code
jmp L1
szDlgTitle db ‘Hello World’,0
szMsg db ‘Hello World’,0
szDlgTitleIRA DB ‘Addressing by instruction relative address’,0
szMsgIRA DB ‘Addressing by instruction relative address’,0dh,0ah,0
ldira eax , szDlgTitleIRA
ldira ecx , szMsgIRA
push MB_OK ;;;invoke iraMessageBoxA , 0 , eax , ecx , MB_OK
push ecx
push eax
push 0
call near ptr iraMessageBoxA@16
ldira eax , WangBaMsg
ldira ecx , WangBaTitle
Scall iraMessageBoxA@16,NULL,eax,ecx,MB_OKCANCEL
; ###################################################################################
; ||||
; |||| <—– Á÷³Ì˳ÐòÍùÏ£¬ÎÞÌøת
; / /
; ¡Å
; ###################################################################################
; call shield function in C++ source , because shield main and user function it calls
; are in C++ source , it can be very complexcomplex
; extrn _ShieldMain@0:near
call _ShieldMain@0 ; ShildMain has no parameters
; ###################################################################################
; ||||
; |||| <—– Á÷³Ì˳ÐòÍùÏ£¬ÎÞÌøת
; / /
; ¡Å
; ###################################################################################
; Load Client Import Functions
Scall _LoadClientImport@0
; ###################################################################################
; ||||
; |||| <—– Á÷³Ì˳ÐòÍùÏ£¬ÎÞÌøת
; / /
; ¡Å
; ###################################################################################
; jump to the client entry point
ldira ecx , shieldHeader.ClientEntry
Scall iraGetModuleHandleA@4 , NULL ; self module handle put to eax
add DWORD PTR [ecx] , eax ; now [ecx] hold the current client entry point
; ###################################################################################
; ###################################################################################
;;; user code compiled form C++ is int this file
;;; ¿ªÊ¼Ê±Îªµ÷ÊÔÓã¬ÏÖÔÚÕâ¸ö include ÒÑÎÞÓã¬
;;; ½«ÔÚ¡°!¿Ç!Ö÷³ÌÐò¡±Öаüº¬±¾Îļþ¡ª¡ª frame.asm ,
;;; ¿ÉÓÃÓÚ¶à¸ö¡°!¿Ç!Ö÷³ÌÐò¡±£¬Éú³É¶à¸ö¿Ç
; include shield.asm
;;; End of user code
; ###################################################################################
; ###################################################################################
; only used when no client , if client is present ,
; execute can not reach here
ldira eax , szMsgNoClient
ldira ecx , szTitleNoClient
Scall iraMessageBoxA@16 , NULL , eax , ecx , MB_OK
push 0
call near ptr iraExitProcess@4
szTitleNoClient db ‘Have no Client Program!’
db 0
szMsgNoClient db ‘Have no Client Program!’,0dh,0ah
db ‘Shield Terminate!!’
db 0
; ###################################################################################
; ###################################################################################
; This is a function , it convert an address to an IRV , only used in C++ Source
; This function is efficient and perfect ! It Optimized the stack structure
; have only one parameter , this parameter is the address to be converted
call A2IRA@4LL
pop eax
sub eax , A2IRA@4LL
add eax , DWORD PTR [esp+4] ; the parameter
ret 4
; this function return the shield header ,
; can only use in shield MODULE , can not use in other MODULE , such as “merge” MODULE
ldira eax , shieldHeader
ret 0
; #############################################################################
; #############################################################################
; Import Table Related contents are in this file
include ShieldImport.asm
; this file only contain one function named “LoadClientImport” and have no paramters
; because this function is hard coding with assembly , so i code it with C and
; compile it to assembly
include LoadClientImport.asm
; #############################################################################
END start