// 使用" 参数化基类" 和" 成员函数指针" 模拟实现虚函数--在实际中的应用。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
病毒或许可以使用这种技术有效地实现,不过这是我在写 Windows PE 文件
在 VC 中测试时,必须去掉“启用增量连接”,即(/INCREMENTAL:NO)
如果在 ShellCode 或者 Virus 中使用该技术,字符串文字量(string literal)
也必须进行地址转化,即:convert_address("string literal").
使用 "参数化基类 "和 "成员函数指针 "模拟实现虚函数。
搞得这么复杂,但有时候这可能是最好地选择。举个例子吧,我写 Windows PE 文件
1. 我开发了一个框架,可以只用 C++ 来写 "壳程序 ",大家很难想到吧!
2. 但不能使用一些 C++ 功能:虚函数,异常处理,还有 switch-case 语句
3. C++ 异常处理可以不用,但是不能使用虚函数可能太过苛刻。
当我看了 "generative programming"以后,觉得 "参数化继承 "
以下是使用 "参数化继承 "实现虚函数的框架,以及要注意的事项。
BaseClass 显然,实际上是 "抽象基类 ",因为如果实例化
"InstantialClass<ConcreteClass>" 时,ConcreteClass 中
必须定义响应的 "虚函数 ",否则编译就报错。如果相应的
BaseClass 和 InstantialClass 定义正确无误(从代码可以
ConcreteClass 编译期错误不会被推迟到运行时才发现,
其实,如果了解 C++ 的底层对象模型,这些需要注意的细节
另外有一种 C 语言模拟 C++ 虚函数的方法,可以在我以前
(2002年 )一篇文章中看到。
struct Context
int (*printf)(const char *, …);
// other external fuctions…
// construct these codes…
int entry(const Context* context)
int imp_entry(const Context* context);
return imp_entry(context);
template< typename AddressType >
AddressType convert_address(AddressType address)
// if used in shell code, this must return another valid address.
__asm {
call LL
LL: pop eax
sub eax, offset LL
add eax, address
mov address, eax
return address;
class BaseClass
#define DEFINE_VIRTUAL(ret , name, param_list, call_list ) /
protected : /
typedef ret (BaseClass ::*T## name) param_list ; /
T## name p ##name; /
public : /
ret name param_list /
{ return ( this->*this ->p## name)call_list ; }
// expansion of :
/* DEFINE_VIRTUAL(int, Func1,
(int x1, int x2),
( x1, x2)
protected :
typedef int (BaseClass ::*TFunc1)( int x1 , int x2);
TFunc1 pFunc1;
public :
int Func1(int x1, int x2 )
return ( this->*this ->pFunc1)( x1, x2 );
// return (this->*pFunc1)(x1, x2); // can be simplified as this line.
// end expansion
DEFINE_VIRTUAL( int, Func2 ,
(int x1, int x2, int x3 ),
( x1 , x2 , x3 )
public :
template< typename BaseFuncType , typename ConcreteFuncType>
void assign(BaseFuncType & x, ConcreteFuncType y )
// if use C Style cast like "(BaseFunType)(y)", it is danger!!
// any member function can be assigned to x!!
// x = convert_address((BaseFuncType)(y)); // danger!!
x = convert_address(static_cast <BaseFuncType>(y));
pFunc1 = 0;
pFunc2 = 0;
class ConcreteClass1
private :
const Context* context;
int x1, x2 , x3;
public :
ConcreteClass1(const Context* context)
this->context = context;
int Func1(int x1, int x2)
this-> x1 = x1 ;
this-> x2 = x2 ;
context->printf("x1=%d, x2=%d/n/n", x1, x2);
return 0;
int Func2(int x1, int x2 , int x3)
this-> x1 = x1 ;
this-> x2 = x2 ;
this-> x3 = x3 ;
context->printf("x1=%d, x2=%d, x3=%d/n/n", x1, x2, x3);
return 0;
class ConcreteClass2
private :
const Context* context;
int x1, x2 , x3;
public :
ConcreteClass2(const Context* context)
this->context = context;
int Func1(int x1, int x2 )
this-> x1 = x1 ;
this-> x2 = x2 ;
context->printf("x1=%d, x2=%d/n/n", x1, x2);
return 0;
int Func2(int x1, int x2 , int x3)
this-> x1 = x1 ;
this-> x2 = x2 ;
this-> x3 = x3 ;
context->printf("x1=%d, x2=%d, x3=%d/n/n", x1, x2, x3);
return 0;
template <class ConcreteClass>
class InstantialClass :
// "BaseClass" must be first base class, otherwise,
// function pointer convert in "BaseClass::assign()" may be not valid!
public BaseClass, // interface inherit, multi inherit is not allowed!!
protected ConcreteClass // implementation inherit, multi inherit is allowed
// it is a guide line that do not hold any data member in this class!!
// if ‘BaseClass’ is not the first base class for ‘this’ class,
// and data member is defined here,
// and these data member will be modified,
// it will error at runtime!
// you can reverse the inherit order of
// BaseClass and ConcreteClass, and try!!
int x1, x2 , x3;
public :
// must delegate these member functions…
int Func1(int x1, int x2 ) { return ConcreteClass::Func1 (x1, x2); }
int Func2(int x1, int x2 , int x3)
this-> x1 = x1 ;
this-> x2 = x2 ;
this-> x3 = x3 ;
return ConcreteClass::Func2 (x1, x2, x3 );
InstantialClass(const Context* context)
: ConcreteClass(context)
// must assign these member function pointers…
// BaseClass::pFunc1 = (TFunc1)(Func1);
// int v = _MSC_VER;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1310 // vc2003
assign(pFunc1, Func1);
assign(pFunc2, Func2);
#else // in vc6, vc6 template support is not perfect!!
pFunc1 = (TFunc1)Func1;
pFunc2 = (TFunc2)Func2;
// if use C Style cast in assign, follow line can be compiled,
// but will error at runtime, because pointer to ConcreteClass
// is different from to ‘this’!!
// pointer to ‘BaseClass’ is equal to ‘this’..
// so, do not write such code,
// must delegate ‘ConcreteClass::Func2’ to ‘this->Func2’.
// assign(pFunc2, ConcreteClass::Func2);
template InstantialClass<ConcreteClass1>;
template InstantialClass<ConcreteClass2>;
int imp_entry(const Context* context)
InstantialClass<ConcreteClass1> v1(context);
InstantialClass<ConcreteClass2> v2(context);
BaseClass* p1 = &v1;
BaseClass* p2 = &v2;
p1-> Func1(1111 , 2222);
p2-> Func1(1111 , 2222);
p1-> Func2(1111 , 2222, 3333);
p2-> Func2(1111 , 2222, 3333);
p1-> Func1(1111 , 2222);
p2-> Func1(1111 , 2222);
p1-> Func2(1111 , 2222, 3333);
p2-> Func2(1111 , 2222, 3333);
return 0;
// template instantiation generated functions were not
// lie in ‘entry()’ and ‘end_address()’.
// this is a problem, we must guess the actual codes size.
// it looks as if this is not a good solution for small shell codes.
// but in my shell code, I put all code in a PE file,
// and relocate the whole code section of the PE file.
// so, this is good idea for shell code.
// this technic is a good solution for virus,
// —- if you want write virus in C++ and use virtual function!
void end_address() {}
int main(int argc , char* argv[])
Context context;
context.printf = printf;
typedef int (*T_entry)(const Context* context);
unsigned char codeBuffer[16*1024];
size_t codeSize = (unsigned char*)end_address – (unsigned char*)entry;
size_t guessedCodeSize = sizeof(codeBuffer);
// memcpy(codeBuffer, (void*)entry, codeSize); // run error!!
memcpy(codeBuffer, (void*)entry, guessedCodeSize); // run ok!!
// entry(&context);
return 0;